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I spent almost an hour waxing not-quite-poetic on a topic I love - finding and making meaning.
I don't think we're in danger of destroying the Earth. The planet was here before us, and she will exist long after we're gone. I do believe we're in danger of losing ourselves. I think making things with our hand, in community, can help change that.
I had the pleasure of being a guest on the Sensitively Magical podcast with Mili of Aletheia Coven this week.
You can listen to our conversation here and find the full show notes on Apple Podcasts.
Last Summer, I participated in a couple of panel discussions, and I really enjoyed the opportunity to talk about things that are important to me within the context of an overall theme. I was definitely nervous (you can probably tell!) as I spoke about sustainable summer wardrobe choices at a summer block party event. It was recorded, so I can share it with you now, as a time for warmer weather and sunny days rolls around again.
Yes, I realize these are all outside my space - the refresh has been a slow process in a whirlwind year so far and still only two walls are painted. I planned to take my time, so I'm not too upset about the two desks ordered and returned, the never-ending decision of what to do with books and fabric I won't use but are still beautiful and usable. The late nights (at least it's only midnight right now. I have a lot of hours ahead of me tonight.)