Posts in musings
scenes from the studio

Yes, I realize these are all outside my space - the refresh has been a slow process in a whirlwind year so far and still only two walls are painted. I planned to take my time, so I'm not too upset about the two desks ordered and returned, the never-ending decision of what to do with books and fabric I won't use but are still beautiful and usable. The late nights (at least it's only midnight right now. I have a lot of hours ahead of me tonight.)

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musingsKaren LePage
i used to be a painter

Did you know I was a professional painter at one point in my life? While Ella and I were painting our dining room over the holiday break, I casually mentioned my brief career as part of a painting crew in Detroit and surrounding areas. She was surprised that she didn't know, but not surprised that I was.

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musingsKaren LePage
why didn’t anybody ever tell me about fifty?

I wonder if it’s normal to turn fifty and wonder why nobody told you that it’s great? I love being fifty years old. I love surprising people when I tell them I’m fifty. I'm telling you now, in case a big birthday is looming, to find some friends who will tell you how wonderful it feels to have reached X age, and how much fun they're having.

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musingsKaren LePage