Day 2: B+W Photo Challenge
Day 2 of B&W photo challenge.
My Daily Life includes a lot of visits to the dr. This right here is a megadose off vitamin C, b12,
b complex and glutathione.
I don’t talk about this often. I’d much rather focus on making beautiful things.
I used to come here to the dr every other week for these infusions until the pandemic. Since I had to come anyway, we’re popping in a bag of goodies while I’m here. My veins don’t like being poked, so it’s almost always painful. But worth it. I have a gene mutation that prevents my body from breaking down nutrients and toxins completely.
I wish my cells would read some Marie Kondo, because this does not spark joy.
As someone who is almost obnoxiously independent, requiring so much support is humbling.
Having so much support available to me is a true privilege. While I truly appreciate it, my easy, affordable access to healthcare is mixed with a great deal of guilt.
More test results came back negative which is a relief in one way - who wants mercury poisoning? - but is frustrating in another because it’s back to the drawing board to figure out what’s “wrong” with me.
10 days, 10 photos from your daily life. May, 2020