Scraps Repurposing: Sewing With Karen Lepage is November 14th 1-4 pacific time
Register here through Esther’s Fabrics.
The Scraps class is just right for the adventurous beginner. Bring in your good sized scraps, maybe a muslin from an apparel item you made or a project you started but ended up not liking so it get set aside?
Skills required for the Scraps class are: familiarity with using a sewing machine, proper pining and scissors skills. Basic good stuff.
Sewing machines, straight pins and scissors provided. Notions and additional tools you may want can be purchased on class day for a 15% class discount.
We are requiring our adult sewists to be vaccinated so please only sign up if you have been fully vaccinated. Proof of vaccination will be required and of course we are all still masking. Thank you for understanding, we so look forward to sewing with you again.